
The version hosted here at http://mpe50w.wcbzw.com/ is an easy way to test the latest release of the AtoM software. You are free to add and change any of the sample data. However, please note that the website will automatically reload the default data every hour, on the hour. So any data that you enter yourself will not be permanently saved. Additionally, there may be more than one demo user logged-in at the same time, so you may see data changes made by others while you are using the software.

The demo site is publicly edited and unmoderated - Artefactual Systems accepts no responsibility for the content created by its users. For reasons of security, the digital object link and multiple digital objects import features are currently disabled on the demo site. Additionally, the Import XML and CSV feature is also disabled for reasons of security. Users that wish to test these features must download the Virtual Appliance and run AtoM on your personal computer.


You can log in with full administrator privileges using the following email address and password,

email: demo@example.com
password: demo

ラズパイ4とOpenMediaVault(OMV4)で少しまとも …:2021-6-15 · OpenMediaVaultとは?OpenMediaVaultはNASとして使えるDebianベースのOSです。OMVと略され、現在Raspberry Pi用にはv4.17が最新で、他のマシン用ではv5がリリース最新です。元FreeNASというOSから派生しました。

email: translate@example.com
password: translate


Consult the online user manual for instructions and to learn more about the features that are available in the AtoM latest release.

Join the discussion

AtoM is an open source software project in active development. We value community contribution and participation. If you find any bugs, have new feature requests or would like to help out with software development, documentation or translation, please post a message to the AtoM discussion group.

The records included in this instance of AtoM have been generously provided by the Canadian Council on Archives (CCA) and the Archivists Association of Ontario (AAO). They have since been modified to better demonstrate some of the newer features and functionality available in AtoM. This instance is being used for training and demonstration purposes only.